Who is Ziggy Shortcrust

Some say she lives in a small house with a tall man and a skinny dog.

Some say she wraps herself in tweed and smells of lavender oil

Some say she travels in an elderly campervan and plunders the past for inspiration.

Some say she works in a museum that celebrates the art of children’s books and is Seven Stories  high.

Some say she is no taller than a short thing, doodles inky pictures and has a fondness for fairy tales.

Some say she drinks tea from a cup fashioned out of Clark Gable’s ears

Some say they have almost never met her and that this blog is pure apple sauce.

Fact or Fiction?

You decide.

97 thoughts on “Who is Ziggy Shortcrust

  1. Oh my gosh! I’m so happy you visited my blog and I can return the favor of a visit to your delightful one. A tutorial on fashioning cups from dragon scales is in order!

  2. Oh, okay, now I know why you sound so cool. Your job’s really awesome. When I’m finished with high school and college (still a long way to go, unfortunately), I’l probably go to the UK and see the museum you work in. I am jealous that you live in a place where there is an abundance of tea.

  3. Hey – well I say what a great blog and will make sure to tell anyone coming your way about the museum – fantastic to be celebrating the art of children’s books – very close to my heart !! I have a post to come which I think will inspire a drawing – have been wondering who might enjoy it… will do this week…!!

  4. what a fantastic blog …love it looking forward to finding some tIme to have a good wander around…

  5. With you being married to the son of God and all 🙂 we were wondering if you would do us the honour of writing a short piece on Robert Brumby for a fledgling blog we are putting together. We think it would be a great story. 🙂

  6. Hello Ziggy Shortcrust from a play worker at Eureka! The Children’s Museum. Spotted Seven Stories on the internet the other day. Definitely going to come up in the very near future. Any nonsense scribbler gets a double thumbs up from me…(Currently reading Spike Milligan’s War Diaries) 🙂

      • Now that sounds like an idea! Definitely we’d love to see you. Spookily just been tasked with looking at how we tell stories at the museum! Will you be at Deershed this year?

      • Ooh, had to google Deershed. It looks amazing. It’s the sort of thing 7S get involved with but I haven’t heard anyone mention this specifically. However, I could deffo help with story times in museums.

      • It was awesome last year, doing a bit of ‘guerilla’ family theatre. This year’s theme is monsters so I need to get on with writing a play! Brilliant, well I reckon there’s heaps of room for collaboration on various exciting things. Are you on Twitter? Trying to figure out a way to get you my email address 🙂

  7. This is a beautiful, whimsical, and charming blog – three of my favorite things. If I can find an actual photo of my face, I would absolutely want to be elffed:)

  8. Lovely Ziggy liked the way you presented it. don’t want to know anything further. fantastic

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  9. Thank you SO much for the gorgeous letter. It brought home to me how much we have lost through electronic communication (as well as all the gains). I love the little art elf – sulky, smoking Gauloises and always at fashionable parties I WISH! Actually I know quite a few like him – but I’m too truculent, exhausted and covered in charcoal and printers ink to hobnob so I shall send him out on my behalf in future. 😀 x

  10. I say Ziggy will soon author a wonderful, dreamy fairy tale for children to laugh and love alike.
    But I hope you are not an escapee from a Tolkien work, I’d rather prefer a Santa workshop escapee! :p



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